Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A New Journey Through Health & Abundance!

 Hello everyone my name is Jonathan Tipton i grew up in the Great state of Kentucky born and raised.

 As a child was a healthy kid for the most part. Later on around 10 or 11 i slowly developed an eating disorder to were I would indulge in food. Unhealthy food at that, Potato chips, candy bars, pizza's, Fried Chicken, You name it.

 I had depression when I was younger, I felt as though I didn't fit in with society. I was socially awkward and didn't have many friends I was what they considered the weird kid. And so food especially junk food was an escape for me. It comfort me when I was in my depressed state of mind. And soon started to get a belly on me, My clothes started to tighten and I had gotten fat.

I remember trying out for the basketball team and made the cut. I was good with free throughs and a great team player but struggled running back and forth on the ball court because of my weight. Being active helped a bit keeping me from gaining more. But I still had trouble losing the weight I already had. 

I remember my dad making me run laps around the house to lose some weight. Not because he was being mean. But because he was concerned about my health. 

Around age 15 I took an interest in Martial Arts which was the one of the best things I did. It was a stress reliever and I have learned so much in my training. One thing you will learn is discipline and self control. Learning how to control your emotions. And on top of that I lost a lot of weight and got fit while I was in training. And you learn Self Defence which can come handy in a dangerous situation.

I have put together a training guide link below if you want to learn more about Self Defense. 

Just Click The Blue Link Below To Open Up The Training Guide ! 

Click Here To Learn More About Self Defense And Self Control ! 

I was fit for a few years but after that my weight slowly creeped back up as I enjoyed fast food and snacks and potato chips. I was very active but my eating was not at all healthy and I enjoyed high carb fatty foods. I weighed about 250 lbs not that bad for a 6 foot guy and had a lot of muscle. But still had some fat so I decided to make a change in my diet and so I did.

That summer I have lost an amazing 70 Lbs. And was again physically fit and healthy. I has dedicated to lose it and keep it off and did so very well until I lost my Fiance to a break up claiming she didn't love me anymore. And went through a depression and gained some of it back. But luckily not that much maybe 40 lbs. In which I've lost in a couple of months. 

I remember the pain I had of being obese and did not never want to get that way again. I had to remember to practice what I've learned about self control. Control your emotions or they will control you. 

I also learned to love yourself and show love to others. You can't give what you don't have.

Years later I was blessed to have met my amazing wife Monica and been happily since 2015. 

What I do want to do for you is share with you a program that can rid belly fat as soon as 21 days for most people. A program that can change your life for the better.

Make an investment in yourself and make a change for the better. A whole new you can open up opportunities for your future.

Click This Link Below To Learn More! 

Click Here For Your Life Changing Experience For The Better !